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Smart Alternating Power Supply System

What is Smart Alternating Power Supply System

The main objective of the Smart Alternating Power Supply System is to explain the uninterrupted power supply to a load, by selecting the supply from different sources such as mains, solar, inverter, and generator automatically in the absence of any of the sources. The huge demand for electricity is increasing every day and frequent power cuts are causing many problems in various areas like industries, hospitals, and houses.
A Smart Alternating Power Supply System arrangement for a power source is a must. This arrangement can be designed by using ARDUINO and relays. When a source, say mains fail the supply automatically shifts to the next priority source solar. When a source, says solar fails the supply automatically shifts to the next priority source generator and so on.
Use of ARDUINO based automatic power source change over reduces the operations time and reduces manpower. The use of ARDUINO results in faster operation and accurate error detection thereby saving operating costs.

 The Function of Smart Alternating Power Supply System 

Todays in industry life the energy management system is becoming more expansive due to the complexity in every unit. Like textile, automobile, cement, steel, and paper processing unit expansion and updating of machines. The objective of Energy Management is to achieve and sustain optimum energy utilization throughout the organization. And reduce energy costs or waste without affecting production and quality and reducing the environmental effects. Energy Conservation reduces energy costs and improves effectiveness.
Requirements for electric power distribution systems is the need for automatic operation. In Smart Alternating Power Supply System, the fast and reliable transfer of the system from one power source to another power source during certain system events is important in achieving those reliability goals for such systems and the facility serves. 
In the existing method, maintaining auto change over is the toughest job. The knobs in auto change over gets weaker often, so maintain cost gets high, due to this power source breakdown makes the whole process often gets shut down. In our proposed method, the auto changeover is to replace through the latest idea of a load based auto-switching methods. This technique each power source will be supplied to an individual power station according to its power consumption.
We deal with the three sources used to give continuous power supply to the load without interruption. Here the voltage is used as a measuring parameter. The measured voltage is compared with the actual set voltage in the comparator. The output of the comparator is given as the input signal of the Microcontroller. On failure of the mains supply, the load gets supply from the next available sources are generator, solar. If the generator source also fails it switches over to the next available source. Three LEDs are used to indicate what is the source is available to give the power supply to the load.

How to Make Smart Alternating Power Supply System

This Smart Alternating Power Supply System is designed to get a regulated output dc voltage. The step-down transformer is used main voltage 220v AC convert into 9 volts. The secondary voltage of the transformer is 9 volts rectified using a bridge rectifier. The rectified unidirectional dc is smoothed by a 1000mf filter capacitor. The smooth dc is then fed to the three-terminal +ive regulator called 7805 to get a 5v dc supply.

The mains voltage ac 220v is step down to 9 volts, using a step-down transformer. The low-value secondary voltage is fed to the Diode bridge rectifier is formed using four IN4007.
finally, the dc supply is fed to the filter capacitor. Capacitor charging & discharging property provide pure smooth dc is nearly peak value of the secondary voltage. The pure dc 9volts is fed to regulator ICs. Due to the regulator.
ICs action, finally, regulated 5 volts is provided at output terminals.
When a breakdown occurs, It goes for solar first.
But switches to an inverter (battery backup) if solar by any chance doesn't seem to be found. 
The last priority goes to the generator if any one of the previously mentioned sources seems to be troubled.
The battery may charge through solar as well as through inverter.
A room to groom is kept for any innovation or to be personalized. 

Smart Power Supply Block Diagram


Smart Power Supply Sub Block Diagram


Smart Power Supply Flow Chart


Smart Power Supply Schematic Diagram


 The efficiency of Smart Alternating Power Supply 

When the system initiates our load is on through main. When the main is unplugged, the load is transferred to the solar. Status is displayed on LED.
But if the system cant finds Solar the load is transferred to the battery (Inverter). 
But if our battery is drained, the load transfers to the generator.
The generator while generating power also charges our battery for backup. 
When the Generator is getting we can switch our load again on the battery just because our generator is taking a rest.
In this, the voltage protection circuit is used to sense the voltage between the phase and neutral in a 3 phase 4 wire system.
Here 230V supply given to the input of the primary winding of the potential transformer. The potential transformer is step - down the voltage in (6-0-6V)
The stepped-down AC 6-0-6V is rectified and filtered by using of this full-wave rectifier and filtering circuits. At this smooth dc low voltage applied across the variable resistor 10K which is used to provide the variable dc millivoltage. This voltage is fed to the comparator.


Transformer (3)
Arduino Mega 2560
Buck Converter (3)
Voltage Sensor (4)
Current Sensor  (4)
Relay (4)
Solar Panel
Solar  Charge Controller


The Smart Alternating Power Supply System is based on MICRO CONTROLLER BASED AUTOMATIC POWER SOURCE is working fine, getting the parameter envisaged during the conceptual stage.
During the design, as well as during the construction, greater care has been put in to avoid hiccups at the final stage. The circuit is made as simple as to our knowledge. In this project, Components were selected keeping in mind their availability and cost.
It was a very interesting process of developing and testing the same.  We have to go through fairly large pages of data related to the components etc. This gave us a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.



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